Stargate : Challanged Empires
- Written by Serial_Killer
- Published in news
- Read 899 times
Dingmatt has posted some new screenshots and two videos from Stargate : Challanged Empires Mod on our forums.
We at DSF Productions would like to mark our return to the OPFlash StarGate with the announcement of our new project 'StarGate:Challanged Empires'.
This MOD is being designed as a new Multiplayer Game Type, where players from two different teams, human and Gou'ld will travel from there homeworld through the expanses of space to colonise or enslave the worlds they encounter.
Think large battles based around controlling the gates of various worlds, each with their own strategic value or resource.
BMP's vs. Gou'ld ForceSheilds, whilst 302's battle Deathgilders above.
Each planet settled will allow passage to the next, gate addresses can be recovered from ruins all this leading up to the invasion of the enemy homeworld.
The AI code is now 60% complete and were starting to work on player gameplay. As well as basing the whole game on the SGWorlds v3 map, allowing us to have more enviroments to choose from.
DOWNLOAD (FTP#1) - Stargate: CE - Video 1 [7,35 MB] FTP#2
DOWNLOAD (FTP#1) - Stargate: CE - Video 2 [6,18 MB] FTP#2
We at DSF Productions would like to mark our return to the OPFlash StarGate with the announcement of our new project 'StarGate:Challanged Empires'.
This MOD is being designed as a new Multiplayer Game Type, where players from two different teams, human and Gou'ld will travel from there homeworld through the expanses of space to colonise or enslave the worlds they encounter.
Think large battles based around controlling the gates of various worlds, each with their own strategic value or resource.
BMP's vs. Gou'ld ForceSheilds, whilst 302's battle Deathgilders above.
Each planet settled will allow passage to the next, gate addresses can be recovered from ruins all this leading up to the invasion of the enemy homeworld.
The AI code is now 60% complete and were starting to work on player gameplay. As well as basing the whole game on the SGWorlds v3 map, allowing us to have more enviroments to choose from.